
Tim has been running his own law firm since 2010, but practiced earlier in a mid-sized intellectual property boutique as well as large national and international firms. He has always focused on patent- and trademark-related work.

Need help with an office action?

Tim has helped guide many trademark applications through getting a trademark registered, including when the USPTO has issued “office actions” that refuse registration. Tim’s background is in Federal court lawsuits (where patent and trademark cases are typically filed). Writing convincing arguments for judges there helps him be a persuasive lawyer now when his clients need help with trademark applications.

Looking for practical experience?

The other side of getting a patent or trademark registration is enforcing them – going after the other company, or defending those accused of violating those rights. Knowing where your rights might need to be enforced helps Tim better advise you on protecting your rights.

Tim has practical experience with the day-to-day case management of patent and trademark cases, including working with clients and opposing counsel. He has led and assisted clients through patent opinions of counsel, has led successful mediations and participated in arbitrations and prepared and negotiated settlement agreements.

Need help with a trademark opposition or cancellation?

These are essentially smaller lawsuits along the line of a trademark case filed in Federal court. Tim has practical experience in both those kinds of lawsuits and in the specialized ‘court’ that decides oppositions.


Learning about new places, people and technologies was a great benefit of joining the U.S. Navy after college. Tim served on a guided missile frigate in the Pacific, after getting his degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin and attending a Navy engineering school.

His interest in technology, and how to promote the growth of businesses based on technology, led Tim to apply to law school after leaving the Navy. At the University of Texas School of Law, Tim studied patent, trademark and copyright law and international law, and published a research article on an international treaty governing intellectual property.

Tim has continued to write after leaving law school, and is the author of a number legal and other articles, and also teaches legal education classes to other lawyers and to members of the public.


May 1997 The University of Texas School of Law, J.D., with honors

Dec. 1988 The University of Texas at Austin, B.S.M.E.


Protecting Trademark Rights in Virtual Spaces, Dallas Bar Ass’n Headnotes, Feb. 2023

7 Things To Know About Trademark Registrations, Dallas Bar Ass’n Headnotes, Oct. 2013 & Collin County Bar Association BarTabs, July 2014

The America Invents Act: Changes to U.S. Patent Laws, Dallas Bar Association Headnotes, June 2012 & Collin County Bar Association BarTabs, July 2012

Lessons from the Federal Circuit: Defending Against Inequitable Conduct Claims, 38 AIPLA Q.J. 259 (2010)

False Patent Marking: The Forest Group Bull’s-Eye, Landslide (ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law, May/June 2010)

Consent and Discovery Under the Stored Communications Act, The Federal Lawyer, Nov.-Dec. 2009

Exergen v. Walmart and Inequitable Conduct, (Sept. 2009)

Dis’ordre’ly Loopholes: TRIPS Patent Protection, GATT and the ECJ, 32 Tex. Int’l L.J. 489 (1997)


Speaking Engagements

IP Basics for Business Owners: An overview of copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets (Expert Speaker Series, November 10, 2022; Third Thursday Think Tank, UT Arlington Veterans Business Outreach Center, February 15, 2024)

Protecting Your Work: Trademarks, Licensing, and Contract Negotiation Best Practices (Arts Fort Worth, Art Aid Professional Development Workshop, July 12, 2022)

Intellectual Property: Protecting Branding, Invention & Content (TeamUP Fort Keller, September 10, 2019)

Trademark & Copyright Basics (StartUp Greater Good, Rise class, February 16, 2019)

Four Types of Intellectual Property (CLE, November 29, 2018)

Intellectual Property Basics (Target Evolution: Teen Small Business Summer Camp, July 20, 2017)

Patent & Trademark Essentials for Compassionate-Use Act Businesses (Women Grow Dallas Chapter, November 3, 2016)

What’s IP? And What’s In It For Me? – The Basics of Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs (March 18, 2016 & October 8, 2014)

Trademark Mock Trial (August 11, 2015) (co-presenter)

What Hardware Inventors Should Know About IP (March 30, 2015)

Arlington Trademark Confidential (February 10, 2015)

It’s No Secret: Texas (Finally) Adopts the Uniform Trade Secret Act (“UTSA”) (Sept. 27, 2013) (co-presenter)

Everything You Need to Know about Patents and Trademarks (Aug. 19, 2013)

Sanctions, Misbehavior, and the New Texas Anti-SLAPP Statute (Sep. 16, 2011)

Sanctions and Misbehavior in Federal Court: Bad Faith, Meritless Filings and Reckless Disregard (Jan. 19, 2011, Dec. 1, 2010)

Patent Marking: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (May 28, 2010)

The Stored Communications Act … or “You Won’t Give Me the Documents Why?” (Feb. 5, 2010)

Lessons from the Federal Circuit: Defending Against Inequitable Conduct Claims (Aug. 17, 2009)

Judge! Stop Me Before I Sin Again!: Vexatious Litigation, Insufficient Pre-suit Investigation & Witness Tampering (May 2008)

Volunteer and Leadership Background

2014 Program Leader & 2013 Ass’t Program Leader, local YMCA Father-Child Program (Led program for children with over 200 fathers and children)

2012 Co-Chair & 2011 Co-Vice-Chair, DBA Pro Bono Activities Committee

2009-2011 Co-Chair & 2007-2008 Co-Vice-Chair, DBA Publications Committee (Edited / reviewed more than six dozen articles for publication in Headnotes)

2007 Chair & 2006 Vice-Chair, DBA Community Involvement Committee

2003-2005 Co-Chair, DBA Home Project Committee (project for Habitat for Humanity)